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Meet the surgeon: Surgical anatomy of pelvic exenteration by Santiago Domingo
Nicolò Bizzarri
Nicolò Bizzarri
Cagatay Taskiran
Cagatay Taskiran
Agnieszka Rychlik
Agnieszka Rychlik
Christina Fotopoulou
Christina Fotopoulou
Santiago Domingo
Santiago Domingo
ESGO eAcademy. Faculty / Presenter(s) . 02/27/23; 376589 Topic: Pelvic exenteration
Nicolò Bizzarri
Cagatay Taskiran
Agnieszka Rychlik
Christina Fotopoulou
Santiago Domingo
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Pelvic exenteration (PE) is a procedure that should be used in some Gynaecological oncological cases, most of them relapses tumours. Two purposes should be considered: curative intention and palliative management. The Classification of the PE includes the supraelevator exenteration (the most used is the modified posterior exenteration), the infraelevator and the extended PE with vulvectomy. The deep knowledge of the anatomy is mandatory to be learn in order to perform a safe surgery, diminishing the complications rate. Morbidity of the procedure is high, particularly in those patients with previous radiotherapy. That is Way Training in this surgery is needed, and to have tip and tricks to get free margins, as this is the most important factor considering overall survival. Reconstruction is again, after the exenterative part, the most challenging part of the procedure, as its results will decide the quality of Life of the patients. In this webinar we will try to resume all the concerning points of PE, focused on the surgical anatomy.
Pelvic exenteration (PE) is a procedure that should be used in some Gynaecological oncological cases, most of them relapses tumours. Two purposes should be considered: curative intention and palliative management. The Classification of the PE includes the supraelevator exenteration (the most used is the modified posterior exenteration), the infraelevator and the extended PE with vulvectomy. The deep knowledge of the anatomy is mandatory to be learn in order to perform a safe surgery, diminishing the complications rate. Morbidity of the procedure is high, particularly in those patients with previous radiotherapy. That is Way Training in this surgery is needed, and to have tip and tricks to get free margins, as this is the most important factor considering overall survival. Reconstruction is again, after the exenterative part, the most challenging part of the procedure, as its results will decide the quality of Life of the patients. In this webinar we will try to resume all the concerning points of PE, focused on the surgical anatomy.
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